TheSTLSmith Support Center

I Think I Have Found An Issue With a Model?

Please message me and let me know! As you can see I have a large body of work and I work fast, it is entirely possible at any point of the process for something to slip through the cracks, unexpected issues or issues which have escaped my notice are entirely possible despite my best efforts, that's just a part of life. Notify me and I will check the model and if I find something wrong I will fix it and make sure you get the fixed model. Most will do this calmly and helpfully, and I appreciate it! However if you feel like you need to leave a bad review and/or message attacking me and my work then don't expect any help at all, I'm not some unfortunate retail worker you can take out your insecurities on, I don't have a boss with an illogical 'customer is always right' corporate agenda I'm forced to answer to so I don't have to take it and I won't. Ask me, a consumer-level resin printing expert and experienced 3D print prepared digital sculptor using professional industry standard software, about it first, because no offense but chances are you are neither of those things. Yes, believe it, there are people who read one glossed over lazy beginner's guide after a google search when they first get their printer and assume they know better than me, it is as infuriating and ridiculous as it sounds. If your perceived issue is auto-analysis related please read below, an explainer as to why I do not accept auto-analysis results as an issue and neither should you. 

The Failings of Auto-Analysis

It is rare because most people have a decent amount of experience before deciding to spend money on .stl files, but sometimes I will get reviews or messages citing auto-analysis results as there being something wrong with the file, or even describing it as unusable as a result. Let me be clear, in my professional opinion analysis tools are useless and full of false positives, I don't believe they should ever be used even by beginners, they're typically recommended in lesser beginner's guides but often that just turns into a bad habit of blindly relying on the results rather than ever understanding anything. One with experience would look at the .stl in the slicer with their own eyes and take 15 seconds to scroll through the layers to know if there are any actual issues. Every miniature file I sell has been tediously checked in expensive professional software by a highly experienced expert in consumer-level resin printing, the exported files from that software showing false positives due to the unique way it processes geometry is a known factor, it does not mean there is anything actually wrong with it and certainly nothing which would affect an actual print. I just can't wrap my head around someone seeing some minor errors in an auto analysis and thinking 'welp guess it's completely unusable' despite being able to see the model right there in the same window, that is not how any of this works. 

I intend to personally print every single one of my miniature models and include a photo in each of their listings everywhere they are available. This will remove any confusion regarding the printability of the file or the quality of the results before it is ever purchased. Plus I'll get an awesome collection out of it! :D